弊社Stallard Scientific Editingは、ご依頼文書をネイティブライターの 英語レベルへ英文校正いたします。 原稿著者の英文スタイルを尊重し、必要な校正のみを行うものといたします。
Stallard Scientific Editing校正のポイントは以下のとおりです:
- 一般に通用する読みやすさ、論文の流れを向上させる。
- 誤った文法の訂正
- スペルミス、誤った句読点の用法の訂正
- 論文全体が一貫した形式となるよう校正 (例 見出し、参照、パラグラフインデント)
- 意味が明確でない文章を明確にリライト
- 簡潔に変更、校正
All documents are edited on-screen in Microsoft Word with the ‘Track Changes’ tool turned on (Tools >> Track changes). This enables the author to see and print out all of the changes made to the document. Comments to the author are highlighted in yellow, within square brackets.
Following editing, two files are returned to the author. The Edit1 file shows all changes made to your manuscript (see below), while in the Final1 file the changes have been accepted and only the edited text is visible. The author must carefully check the Final1 file to ensure that his/her meaning has been retained in the edited manuscript. If you have any questions regarding the changes made to the manuscript, please return the manuscript to us along with any queries to be answered (see our Ask-the-Editor Service); there is no additional charge for this service.
Our editing method is illustrated in the following example.
The onset of penetrative strainn metamorphism is marked by a rapid elimination of poorly-oriented clastic micas in favour of numerous smaler different composition grains.
Edit1 file (全ての変更箇所が表示されます):
The onset of penetrative strainn metamorphism is marked by thea rapid elimination of poorly_ –oriented clastic micas in favour of numerous smaller different composition grains [Or do you mean ‘crystals’? If so, please replace.] of contrasting composition.
1. 挿入されたテキスト は 青で表示されます.
2. 削除された テキストは赤の訂正線で表示されます(strikethrough).
3. コメントは黄色.
Final1 file (全ての変更が承諾され、コメントのみが表示されます):
The onset of penetrative strain metamorphism is marked by the rapid elimination of poorly oriented clastic micas in favour of numerous smaller grains [Or do you mean ‘crystals’? If so, please replace.] of contrasting composition.