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The fee for our standard service (4–6 business days) is as follows:

Japanese Yen:        ¥3100 per 250 words
Euro:                        €22.00 per 250 words
US$:                         US$25.00 per 250 words

Our Rush Service (1–2 business days) incurs a 50% surcharge.
Note: please see below for applicable discounts and surcharges

The following optional services are also charged at the above rate:

  • Edit references
  • Edit text in figures and tables
  • Edit author’s reply to reviewers’ comments and cover letter to the journal editor – this service also involves checking that all the reviewers’ comments have been addressed

Check journal instructions to authors: ¥3500 (€25, US$30).

The exact amount charged by Stallard Scientific Editing depends upon the size of the document, the level of editing required, and the desired turnaround time. To obtain the exact cost of editing your job, simply request a quote.

Our standard fee is based on the word count of the manuscript. Please note that mathematical formulae, numbers included in tables, and LaTeX commands are not counted when calculating the word count. Please also note that for small jobs we have a minimum charge of ¥5500 (€50, US$60).

Discounts for large documents

Large manuscripts receive the following discount:
10,000 words or more: 5%

Other discounts and surcharges:

  • Well-written papers receive a discount of 10%-20%
  • Papers that require intensive editing will incur a surcharge of up to 90% (if this surcharge applies, it will be clearly explained in the quote)
  • Highly complex LaTeX jobs will incur a 20% surcharge (if this surcharge applies, it will be clearly explained in the quote)

Please note that where more than one of the above discounts applies, the maximum discount is 20%.

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